Economic Faculty of Uzhgorod National University in Ukraine.

Team members: Prof. M. Pityoulych, Ms K. Sochka, Mr V. Voloshyn and Mr R. Zavadiak

The Economic Faculty of Uzhhorod National University (UNU) was established at 1963 and till present day approx. 9,000 students graduated it. The Faculty includes four Departments, namely, the Department of Economic Theory, the Department of Finance and Banking, the Department of Economics, Marketing and Management and the Department of Accounting and Audit. The teaching stuff of the Faculty consists of 40 full-time and 40 part-time highly qualified members, including 10 Doctors of Science, 27 PhD (Candidate of Science). The Dean of the Faculty, Vassyl Miklovda, is the Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Science, he published more than 150 scientific papers, 3 monographs on different issues of microeconomics.

The three levels of education such as Bachelor, Specialist and Master/Magister, are provided at the Faculty in four different specialities - Economics of Enterprises, Finance, Banking, Accounting and Audit. Presently approx. 13,000 students are studying at the Faculty.

The Faculty participates in several international projects with Luton Business School (GB), University of Macedonia (Greece), Sienna College (USA), Central Connecticut University (USA), University of Toulon (France), Universities from neighbouring countries (Hungary, Slovakia).

Prof. Mikhaylo Pityoulych, Doctor of Science

Prof. M. Pityoulych is the head of the Department of Economic Theory and Vice-Rector of UNU. He was the supervisor of 6 PhD researchers (Candidate of Science). He has done research and published more than 100 scientific papers and 6 monographs on the different topics related to the labour potential, labour market, social issues, employment, regional economy, worked on the student's text-books on micro- and macroeconomics. Together with the regional authorities he participated in the elaboration of the Development Strategy for ecologically sustainable economic development of Trasncarpathia.

Kateryna Sochka

Kateryna Sochka is an economist (M. Sc., UNU). She is a lecturer of the Department of Finance and Banking and delivers lectures on the theory of finance and small business finance. She is working on the PhD research on the issue of regional recreation development (on the example of Transcarpathia). She is also the research associate of the Institute of Public Administration and Regional Development (UNU) and participated in many technical assistance projects on different problems of local economic development and entrepreneurship. She participated in several international programs with University of Georgia (USA), University of Luton (GB).

Roman Zavadiak

Roman Zavadiak is an economist (M. Sc., UNU). He is a lecturer of the Department of Economics, Marketing and Management. He is working on the PhD research under the title "The influence of privatisation process on the effectiveness of operation of Transcarpathian enterprises of light industry". He is the manager of the entrepreneurial program for secondary school's pupil which is run by the Business Centre of the UNU. He actively co-operates with Transcarpathian Enterprise Support Fund (TES) as well and provides trainings for start-up businesses.